Июнь 2018г.
Завершены монтажные работы на крымском автомобильном мосту.
Декабрь 2017г.
Завершены работы по объекту капительного ремонта СПб ГБУК «Санкт-Петербургского государственного академического театра балета имени Леонида Якобсона»
Ноябрь 2016г.
Получено положительное заключение СПБ ГАУ «ЦГЭ» по ДОУ : Каменка, квартал 78 А, ул. Добровольцев, д.56, корп. 3, литера А, ул. Олеко Дундича, д.20, корп.2, литера А
Ноябрь 2016г.
Завершены работы по договору с «Санкт-Петербургским Молодежным театром на Фонтанке»
Апрель 2016 г.
Проектная документация по объекту: Гаражный комплекс по адресу: г.Санкт-Петербург, Пулковское шоссе, участок 16 (северо-восточнее д. 30, литера Е, по Пулковскому шоссе), находится на рассмотрение в государственной экспертизе
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Dear friends and partners!
I am glad to welcome you on our site on behalf of our JSC Orantus company.
The history of the company originates from 1995 and today totals more than fourteen years of successful and professional work. During this time we executed large volume of works on various objects, but we hope that it is only initial stage of our activity: year from a year we increase our capacities, and as volumes of carried-out works.
We are ready to provide the whole complex construction and electric installation work: installation and construction works, works on installation of processing equipment, installation of systems of video surveillance, control of access, the security alarm system, a telephony, decorative works, inspection of bearing designs, design and exploration work, capital construction, works on reconstruction of buildings. As we perform works connected with theatrical technologies - development of the project and installation of systems of production illumination of a scene and the auditorium. In the field of theatrical scenic lighting "Orantus" has no equal neither on amount of completed work, nor on applied technologies, by the saved-up experience.
Since 2003 of JSC Orantus carries out a big complex of balancing and commissioning of the equipment of compressor stations of the gas pipeline Yamal – Europe which customer is DOAO "Orgenergogaz" JSC Gazprom.
Our business partners are: JSC Dock-Media, JSC Dock-St. Petersburg, DOAO "Orgenergogaz" JSC Gazprom, JSC Baltstroy, the State Academic Maryinsky Theater, the Russian state Academic drama theater of A.S. Pushkin - the Aleksandrinsky, Big concert hall "October", St. Petersburg Academic opera and ballet theater of Musorgsky - Mikhaylovsky, St. Petersburg Academic Lensovet Theatre, Hermitage theater, the St. Petersburg state academic comedy theater of N. P. Akimov.
Our enterprise for implementation of the activity has all necessary construction equipment, modern material base, professional shots, and as knowledge and experience saved up in years of successful work. Along with the Northwest region our company is ready to render the services in other regions of Russia.
I wish you successful work and I invite to mutual cooperation.
Yours faithfully,
Director general
Rybnikov M. A.
ООО "Орантус" является членом саморегулируемой организации НП "Балтийский строительный комплекс" |
ООО "Орантус" является членом Санкт-Петербургской торгово-промышленной палаты.
ООО "Орантус" применяет интгрированную систему менеджмента качества в соответствии с требованиями ГОСТ Р ИСО 9001-2008, ГОСТ Р ИСО 14001-2007, ГОСТ 12,2,230-2007, OHSAS 18001:2007